Welcome at the traditional enterprise of the film industry

We are a fund itself for nearly 100 years on the equipment of historical films has specified.

Everything from a hand.

Everything on a location.

By our new camp in Vienna we have created a perfect central issue place for projects in whole Europa.

On more than 4.000 m2 surface you expect with us more than 100.000 rent articles.

Fund Schmiedl

We lead the suitable equipment

In our fund you will find the fitting one.

Our pieces of furniture and props are suited for every epoch of the antiquity up to the present.

Our fund disposes of a unique continuance of historical and original pieces of



carpets, materials and


of all kind.

Unique pieces and collections to your project a unique character lend.

We look after numerous national and international projects from the areas of film, advertisement, photoshooting and event.

Props Schmiedl

Since 1919 for equipment in the historical genre the number one.

We are to be developed anxious for you our strengths:

  1. A fund for 100 years was gathered.
  2. Mainly original pieces of furniture unique thereby and props.
  3. A new clear homepage with 100.000 rent articles.
  4. A quick, clear and non-binding offer.
  5. A family business for individual solutions.
Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte hat sich unser Betrieb zu einem der größten Fundus in Europa entwickelt, auf den viele namhafte Ausstatter aus dem In- und Ausland gerne zurückgreifen.

Maximilian Schmiedl, Geschäftsführer Schmiedl Innenausstattung Film & TV